Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere

by Faith Nguyen

Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere

Washington DC is a city that is always busy with tourists. On June 2nd, however, the nation’s capital was bustling with unusual energy. Just beyond the quiet solace of National Art Galleries, punk pop fans from all over the East Coast had gathered for a special occasion: the return of the beloved band Paramore. Hot off of their 2023 release This Is Why, the trio had made prior stops at major cities in the South, as well as headlining notable festivals like Hang Out Fest in Alabama, Boston Calling, and Adjacent Festival in New Jersey. As their first run around the country since the After Laughter Tour of 2018, Paramore has drawn on a new generation of fans this year, adding to their fan base of almost 20 years.

Lines snaked around Capital One Arena and into the surrounding streets from the early evening, with the most dedicated fans claiming their spot on the barricade the night prior. A girl in the very front row explained that after 11 years, she was finally going to see her favorite band live, so she didn’t mind the 18-hour-long wait. It may seem crazy to make a sacrifice like that for live music, but as soon as the lights went down and the massive LED screen at the front of the stadium was lit, the screams from Paramore’s fans suggested that they were anything but preoccupied with the wait they suffered.

Anticipation swelled as the introduction visuals grew in intensity until the band finally took the stage, bringing the volume level in the arena to magnitudes legible on the Richter scale. It was clear from the second the trio took the stage that the band is dedicated to their craft, and were surrounded by an impressive array of musicians. Every detail seemed fine-tuned to the environment associated with their sound. The substantial production accented key moments of the show, using bursts of confetti, bright pyrotechnics, and a floating stage piece that changed position and color to match the feeling of the given song they performed.

Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere
Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere

Photo credits: Faith Nguyen

An impressive production like this would have overshadowed a lesser band, but Paramore is not an average band. Every member on stage played with passion and exuberance, but no member shone quite like Hayley Williams. The lead vocalist, known for her on-stage dramatics and showy wardrobe, commanded the spotlight throughout the whole 2-hour set. Williams is a powerhouse of performance, a cannonball of energy, and a woman with eclectic taste in dance moves. Her coveted style, renowned vocals, and explosive stage presence have turned her into an icon of the band and of punk pop as a genre. Watching Willaims strut across the stage, whip her dyed mane of hair, and kick her black leather shoes could make even a wallflower dream of being a rockstar.

Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere
Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere
Paramore is back... and they're not going anywhere

In a brief pause from the head banging and guitar shredding, Paramore greeted the crowd with a heartfelt message. Raising the house lights, Williams spoke with the audience about their journey as a band, appreciating their loyalty through the changes and even the mistakes the group has faced. She offered an earnest thank you for the support on their new album, promising that Paramore is not done yet, “not even close to done.” Her commitment was met with fervent applause, as fans wondered what might be coming from their beloved band.

After watching a Paramore show live, it’s no wonder how they have accrued almost two decades of fanatic supporters. Hayley Williams, Taylor York, and Zac Farro are a one-of-a-kind group that not only care about their performances, but also clearly care about their fans. If the group is not even close to done, there is no telling the success that is yet to come for Paramore.