by Kailey Williams
Video Age brought groovy tunes, vintage synths and a magnetic performance to the Great Scott on Feb. 5th. They are currently halfway through a North American tour with Montreal-based musician Jackson MacIntosh. Local bands The Water Cycle (who are signed to Northeastern University’s Green Line Records) and Dee-Parts also joined the bill for this show. The crowd, comprised predominantly of college students, seemed most excited to see Video Age, though The Water Cycle attracted a loyal following of Northeastern students and friends, many of whom knew their songs by heart. The evening came at the tail end of some unseasonably warm weather, so spirits were light and the audience was excited to hear some cool music they could dance along to.
Photo by Kailey Williams for WRBB.
It was Dee-Parts’ first live appearance. The group is a side project/evolution of the band Mini Dresses. Their minimal goth-pop stylings were achieved through guitar, bass, captivating vocals, and a drum track run through a laptop. The Water Cycle took the stage next, with keen takes on relationship anxieties set to fun, light-hearted music. The band is comprised of Joe Kerwin on vocals and guitar, Rob Capodilupo on bass and vocals, and Jack Kerwin on drums. Next to perform was Jackson MacIntosh, on tour with Video Age. Based in Montreal, he’s been a big part in the city’s indie rock scene, singing and playing guitar in Sheer Agony, as well as playing bass in TOPS. He started his set playing keyboard and singing and switched to guitar about halfway through. His music was serene and pleasant, filled with melancholic lyrics about love. Unfortunately, he was not able to captivate the audience’s attention as well as the other bands.
Video Age opened their set with “Pop Therapy,” a fan favorite off their newest album of the same name, released in 2018. Their groovy blend of synth-pop, eighties influences, and highly danceable beats make them fantastic to see live. The band played a mix of songs from Pop Therapy and from their 2016 release Living Alone. Highlights of the night included “Days to Remember,” “Hold On (I was wrong),” “Dance Square,” and “Lover Surreal.” In addition to their delightfully catchy tunes, Video Age’s performance was further compelling as a result of their dynamic stage presence. They danced along with the audience and seemed to really enjoy the music they were playing. The show was a great way to spend Tuesday evening, especially for those looking for a fun, dance-filled time.
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