Inbound/Outbound - Nov 10, 2014

Inbound/Outbound is a diverse rock show airing every Monday night at 5. Jane (a connoisseur of indie rock, post-emo, and all things weird) and Morgan (a die-hard Foo Fighters fan with a passion for old-school punk and rock-n-roll) pick their favorite songs to go along with a weekly theme for a fun and unique listening experience.

Hoopes I Did It Again

Relient K

Meet Virginia


Hope Springs

Wilder Maker

Make You Better

The Decemberists


Foo Fighters

Dark Days


Anxiety Girl

Mean Creek

Hyperactive (Acoustic)

The Dollyrots


The Get up Kids

Goshen '97

Strand of Oaks

The Battle for Clear Sight (feat. Jenny Owen Youngs)

Larry and His Flask