the west coast rejects - Apr 12, 2018

Our story starts in the late 2000s: Boston, Massachusetts. Four girls transfer from universities in California for one mission and one mission only: to play some good tunes on WRBB Radio. Each girl hosts her own “corner” where we elaborate on our various music tastes, building off of one another and showing Northeastern what the gold coast rejects have discovered.

masters of War

Bob Dylan


Lin-Manuel Miranda

Mississippi Goddam

Nina Simone

Casas de carton

Marco Antonio

Strange fruit

Billie Holiday

I believe you


16 Shots

Vic Mensa

we the People

A Tribe Called Quest

A Change is gonna come

Sam Cooke



xxx. (feat. U2)

Kendrick Lamar

power to the people

John Lennon

Big yellow taxi

Joni Mitchell

I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing

The New Seekers

White flag

Bishop Briggs

