Welp...We're on the Radio Now... - Sep 18, 2015

Are you there? It's Me. Okay. Just thought I'd call. I heard this cool show on the radio the other day. It was this guy playing all his funk, rock, and indie music and stuff, but he was also talkin' about stuff. Apparently it's the Unofficial Radio Show of that Zac Efron, DJ movie "We Are Your Friends". They spent a lot of time talking about it. Really dissecting the plot and characters and everything, but in a way that makes me think they hadn't seen it, ya know? I think they also might've talked about other stuff, like how good Ellen Degeneres is as the Cover Girl spokesman and Higgins from the Tonight Show. They talked a lot about Higgins, actually. Ya know what? The show actually was pretty bad. Yeah, sorry. Anyway, call me back. Your car's on fire.

This Evening So Soon

Bob Dylan

After you


What's Going on?

Marvin Gaye

I Love the Nightlife

Alicia Bridges

I Love the Nightlife

Alicia Bridges

I'm Glad (Mono)

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band

Everlasting Love

Carl Carlton


Donnie & Joe Emerson

Harness Your Hopes (B-side)
