Wild Geese with dj kelly provides you a soft place to land in the form of a metaphor, whether it be a song, poem, or a conversation with a friend. “Wherever you are, no matter how lonely”, be sure to tune in every week and ask yourself the questions you’ve been hesitant to ask-you just might find an answer! Grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot (like a seat near a window while it’s drizzling), and transport yourself into a world of hidden meaning in the seemingly mundane.
Darker Than Death
Indigo De Souza
Poor Madeline (feat. Searows) - Alt. Version
I Dropped Out
And The Kids
Black Horse And The Cherry Tree - Radio Version
KT Tunstall
to Perth, before the border closes
Julia Jacklin
Stay For Something
Katy Kirby
Just Like North
Angie McMahon